North East of England African Community Association (NEEACA)

The North East of England African Community Association (NEEACA), founded in 1997, is a long-standing united body for all Africans, those of African descent and those committed to the well-being of Africa and Africans. We work with other voluntary groups, local authorities and government agencies. NEEACA is a charity organisation & provides:
· signposting, support, advocacy and advice to people of African descent
· befriending to people of African descent
· social and cultural events for all
· assistance to those of African descent in negotiating different cultural expectations
· workshops to assist others in negotiating different cultural expectations
· opportunities to learn about African achievements, culture, art and music
Annual membership is £10 (cheques payable to NEEACA)
–please send, with your full contact details, to [email protected]
· signposting, support, advocacy and advice to people of African descent
· befriending to people of African descent
· social and cultural events for all
· assistance to those of African descent in negotiating different cultural expectations
· workshops to assist others in negotiating different cultural expectations
· opportunities to learn about African achievements, culture, art and music
Annual membership is £10 (cheques payable to NEEACA)
–please send, with your full contact details, to [email protected]